“He’s the real thing. I’m a believer.

September 1, 2011

“He’s the real thing.  I’m a believer.

— Dr. Rush Fisher,

Chief Spinal Reconstructive Surgeon, Christiana Spine Center.

By Yasemin Watkins

Dr. Rush Fisher has been an avid athlete his entire life.

An injury from a skiing accident in his late teens left him with a separated AC joint, and a chronic shoulder condition.   Later, as captain of his undefeated lightweight crew team at Dartmouth, Fisher learned to adapt to his weakened shoulder by rowing starboard and “avoiding certain lifts.”

Fisher recently returned to rowing after a 20-year hiatus.  In the summer of 2010, he consulted Bob Kaehler (Coach Kaehler) for technical advice.

From the perspective of both a spinal reconstructive surgeon and athlete, Dr. Fisher comments on his experience with Coach Kaehler.

I was blown away. Bob was definitely onto something.


(Initially) I consulted Bob to get some direction on my rowing.  But he told me that I’ve got to have the proper tools to do it well.”


From this point, their focus shifted from technique to “tools” – Fisher’s chronic and limiting shoulder condition and overall Body Balance.

I was very surprised.  I’ve had many consultations regarding my shoulder. Bob nailed it!

Bob’s Body Balance program has pretty much eliminated my 20-year shoulder pain.  I’ve also noticed more efficiency on the water. And that my back no longer bothers me after long stretches in the O.R.”


Of Coach Kaehler’s credentials, Fisher comments:


“Bob has worked with some of the nation’s leading orthopaedic surgeons.


He understands that rowing demands and rewards repetition in order to gain perfection. And that this repetition can cause harm if not properly balanced.  He also understands that each muscle works more efficiently in synergy if the body is in balance.  With this in mind, Bob has developed his Body Balance program that addresses and corrects existing imbalances, and allows athletes to attain their potential.”




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