4-Month Winter-Spring Transition Program – (More Information)

February 21, 2013

This comprehensive 18-week Winter- Spring Transition Program will bring you into summer racing with a full tank.  This training program is designed to help you prepare for your return to the spring and summer rowing season.  Your daily schedule is set and includes your daily rowing training, scheduled rest periods, dynamic warm-up sessions, and an integrated strength program ( if you purchased that version). The program is flexible in that you can decide how many session per week you would like to train, but is already built out as a balanced program.  The very specific rest cycles that are built into the program allow you to train as hard as you like during training periods.   So when you are training you can go as hard as you want and when you rest you rest.  This program can easily be used on and off the water so as weather permits you can easily switch from the erg to the water.   This program also includes the key basics to body balance which helps not only improve you rowing power, but also helps reduce training injury risk.

Package includes:

  • 18- Week Winter-Spring Training Program
  • Dynamic Warm-up Program ($17.95 Value)
  • 12-Week Strength Training Program ($49 Value) – You Choose the Level (1-4)** (If you purchase the strength version)
  • Key Drills and Assessments (Mac users can only view snapshots and cannot view video)

**The Product is delivered by Dropbox, or if you like for shipping and handling ($5) a CD can be mailed to your location.

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