Continued – The Erg: A essential tool for tracking intensity and consistency for rowing development

May 9, 2012

By Coach Kaehler

Do you track intensity levels when you’re training on the ergometer?  Coaches use rowing ergometers (ergs) to teach athletes how to properly pace themselves, and to how to monitor their changes in intensity (or power — measured in watts) over time with different types of training.  Erging is also a great way for athletes of all skill levels — especially novice and intermediate — to understand their rowing intensity, and how consistently they apply it.  Developing consistent and powerful strokes over longer periods of time and during repeated intervals, is one of the most effective ways to speed up your athletic development.

Achieving consistent results is essential to successful training and competing.  Mastering this skill leads to consistent power application and peak results.  The benefits of interval training are maximized when athletes achieve similar or exact results for all the intervals in a given session.  One common mistake many athletes make is the ‘fly and die method’ — where the first piece is real fast, then next is so-so, and the last tanks.  While there is some training benefit to this method, it is not nearly as effective as sustaining the same speed and intensity for all three pieces.

For athletes who only train in big boats, consistency is harder to develop because it’s difficult to measure your actual intensity during each piece.  As an athlete becomes more skilled, they begin to get a better sense and ‘feel’ of their power application in the boat.  Therefore, for athletes who train exclusively in big boats, training on the erg (at least some of the time) is essential as it allows them to accurately gage their consistency in order to advance their athletic skills and development.  One way to ensure you’re being consistent with your training on the erg, is to record all your results including your strokes per minute, spilt average, distance, and watts.

Monitoring intensity levels is another important metric used to develop your rowing potential.  When training, coaches like to know how intense you are for each stroke.  For example, if you take two athletes and have both of them row on an erg for thirty minutes at 300w, and one rower is at 25 SPM for the entire piece while the other is at 20 SPM, the rower at 20 SPM is applying more power per stroke.  I convert this into a score by dividing 300 by 25 = 12.0 w/s, while the other rower went 300/20SPM = 15.0 w/s.

By using watts, we can examine an athlete’s intensity at varying stroke rates.  As rowers improve, their fluctuations from steady state, to threshold, to maximum effort, decrease when we look at this measure.   Training and controlled rating testing is a good way to learn how to be more consistent with intensity of the rowing stroke at varying rates.   This data can also help identify specific areas to target for improvement — such as muscular strength and / or endurance — to help an athlete’s overall progression.

Being on the water is what rowing is all about.  However, we all want to know for certain that our hard work and training is paying off.  Bottom line: one of the best and most honest ways to confirm our training is on-track with our goals is rowing on the erg.   It’s designed to give us quick and easy-to-read, as well as accurate and essential feedback about our rowing stoke – our intensity and consistency.

Interested in Improving your 2k Erg score?, CLICK HERE to learn about my best ERG training products

Continued – Proper “Core” Exercises can get you Back on the Erg, Pain-free!

May 9, 2012

Indoor rowing can be a pain in the back. But it’s nothing that better core strength can’t fix.

By Coach Kaehler

“Because there is no change of direction on the ergometer, your muscular system is responsible for 100 percent of the energy that is required to change direction.”

One of the greatest things about rowing outdoors is hearing and feeling the water rushing beneath you on the recovery. The sudden increase in speed at the release is one of the most incredible and addictive sensations in our sport. There is none of this on the erg. Your trunk is dead weight every stroke—you stop the momentum into the bow, restart it as you head back to the catch, and repeat ad nauseum.

Because there is no change of direction on the ergometer, your muscular system is responsible for 100 percent of the energy that is required to change direction from the finish to the recovery. On the water, that number is lower depending on how well you suspend your body weight through the drive and at the finish. The better your suspension, the less stress you place on your body. But the erg is the “truth teller.” It shows who has the internal tools (muscular strength) to handle the stress of the erg, and who does not, which manifests itself in lower-back pain.

Identifying your specific strength and flexibility deficits is best done in a one-on-one evaluation. However, there are several exercises you can do that can improve the strength you need to tolerate training on a standard erg. These include exercises that target the abdominal muscles and hamstrings and that strengthen the hip-flexion motion. You can improve abdominal strength by lying flat on your back with your legs straight, and then simply moving the trunk to an upright position (90 degrees or vertical). When your trunk is 45 degrees off the floor, try to place your low back in a straight position. You can change the intensity of this exercise by changing your hand and arm positions: having you arms reaching toward your toes is easiest; having them crossed behind your head is the most challenging. Once you can do 30 repetitions at the hardest level, start adding weight to the exercise.

You can improve hamstring strength with exercises known as bridges. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, then raise your hips up off the floor in an effort to create a straight line with your shoulders, hips, and knees. Try holding this position for up to 10 seconds and then repeat up to 30 times. Make sure you keep your low back stable; if you experience stress in that area you are not engaging your supporting muscles correctly. Stop and seek proper instruction if that is the case.
If the bridges seem too easy, increase the degree of difficulty by placing your feet atop an exercise ball. You can perform the hip-flexion motion while on your back with your arms extended and secured to a solid object. Proceed by pulling your knees toward your elbows. When you do so, your trunk will curl up while your knees bend toward the chest. Once you are able to perform 30 repetitions of this exercise, you can either add weight to your ankles or try the same motion while hanging from a pull-up bar. Reducing stress on the passive tissue (discs and ligaments) of the low back while training on an ergometer is key to remaining healthy during training, and improving your trunk strength is the best way to achieve it.

Increasing Body Momentum – Drive

Continued – Ease Into The Catch – Part 1

May 8, 2012

Ease Into The Catch

By Coach Kaehler

Have you ever been told that you need to get more reach at the catch?

Whether you are 5’6” (167cm) or 6’4” (193cm), good reach at the catch is important.   Proper hip flexibility and/or strength are essential to make this happen.  When athletes do not have proper hip flexibility at the catch, quick solutions include either lowering the feet or sitting on a butt pad.  A more effective and long-term approach is to identify your hip flexibility, and if necessary, improve it.

Lowering the feet and sitting on a butt pad are two common methods used to improving reach and ease of getting into the catch.  However, both of these methods increase the vertical component of your rowing stroke and make your boat less stable.   While these issues may not interest the recreational rower, they could result in loss of power and speed to the racer.

Changing foot positions is easy and relatively inconsequential on an erg.  In boats, however, particularly the smaller boats (1X, 2X, 2-), it is difficult to adequately lower the feet because of the hull.  In which case, a butt pad may be used.  Rowers who lack ideal hip mobility can also increase their reach by bringing the shoulders deeper into the catch.  This is done by increasing flexion (C-shape) in mid (thoracic spine) and low-back (lumbar spine).   However, increasing the distance of the shoulders past the hips at the catch is not an ideal solution, as it increases stress on the passive tissues in the back (vertebrae, discs, and ribs).  This additional stress can lead to back pain and/or rib fractures.

The ideal solution to improving reach at the catch is to improve hip flexibility.  This will help not only eliminate the use of equipment and compromised technique, but also reduce the risk of injuries.  To assess hip range of motion (ROM) at the catch, get on all fours with your feet (shoes off) placed over the edge of a staircase landing.  This can also be done using a treatment table.  Once you have your thighs and arms in a vertical starting position (Fig. 1), begin rocking backwards without moving your hand position.  Push yourself back slightly with your hands, and then push back as far as you can (Fig. 2).  Full range of motion for this test occurs when the ischial tubercles or sits bones (YELLOW MARKER) are able to touch both heels.  If you are not able to reach this point, then you have limited hip flexion joint mobility, possibly caused by muscle inflexibility and/or loss of joint mobility.

Some athletes will find that they have better ROM on one side when compared to the other.  Athletes with total hip replacements should consult with their surgeons before attempting to push to full ROM.  This testing method can also be used as a corrective stretching exercise for those unable to achieve full range of motion with this test.

Another way to improve the same ROM is to do an assisted squat (Fig. 3).  Grab onto a solid object or door frame, and drop down into the deepest squat position you can maintain.  Place your feet about foot stretcher distance apart (Fig. 4).  Make sure that you do not feel any knee or hip joint pain with these stretches.  If you do, consult your physician before attempting to do this again.

Hip immobility is one of many imbalances that can prevent rowers from achieving an ideal, powerful stroke.  Identifying and correcting these imbalances can reduce compensations elsewhere in the body (ie. increased low and mid-back flexion), and the need to adjust or use additional equipment.  Most important, however, improved Body Balance will help athletes reduce their risk of injury and improve the overall effectiveness and enjoyment of their rowing.

Please contact Coach Kaehler with any questions or comments


Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4


Continued – Protein Supplements and Post Training Recovery

May 8, 2012

By Coach Kaehler

Do you take dietary protein supplements to enhance your training recovery?  While much research has been done to examine how different whole food supplements affect muscle protein balance — muscle protein synthesis (MPS) vs. muscle protein breakdown (MPB) — after sessions of resistance training, one conclusion is clear.  The overall success of any resistance training program is impacted by not only what you eat, but when you eat it.   Muscle building and the loss of fat occur after your training is done, and by applying proper, well-informed nutritional choices, you can maximize your training efforts.

Choosing the best post- training protein supplement can be confusing.  Current research shows that whey protein is superior to other whole proteins for post-workout recovery (MPS vs. MBS).  Whey is a by-product of the cheese making process.  If you have allergies to dairy protein, consult your physician before using it.  Whey protein comes in two forms: whey isolate and whey concentrate.  Whey isolate is the purest form and contains 90% or more of protein and very little (if any) fat and lactose.  Whey concentrate, on the other hand, has anywhere from 29% to 89% protein depending upon the product.  As the protein level in a whey product decreases, the amount of lactose and/or fat usually increases.  If you purchase whey concentrate, look for at least a 70% protein level.

Researchers have also examined other common food proteins that are used for post-training recovery including egg, soy, and skim and whole milk. Egg and soy proteins also help increase muscle protein balance, though they do not achieve the same MPS levels as whey when used in post-training recovery.

If whey protein’s not for you, consider milk or soy straight out of the carton as a convenient and effective post-recovery drink.   Research shows, however, that each option affects the body’s post-training recovery a little differently.  Scientists examined the three beverages — skim (fat-free) milk,  fat-free soy milk and a carbohydrate control beverage – to determine how each affected maximum strength, muscle fiber size (type I & II), and body composition following resistance training.  Participants in the study consumed their beverages immediately after exercise, and again one hour later.  While the results showed no differences in maximum strength between the groups, researchers did observe that the milk group had significantly greater increases in type II muscle fiber area and lean body mass, over the soy and control groups.  Results also indicated a significantly greater decrease in the fat mass of the milk group when compared to the soy and control groups.  While all the above proteins increase muscle protein balance (MPS vs MBS), whey protein, and specifically whey isolate protein, emerges as the superstar of the group as it achieves the highest levels of MPS.

Other key factors in the overall success of your training program include the timing of your recovery drink and what you combine with it.  Recent studies indicate that both pre and post-training whole protein supplements produce the best muscle protein balance (MPS vs. MBS) when combined with carbohydrates.   Interestingly, muscle protein balance was not affected when whey protein was taken either one-hour before or one-hour after training.  The same results were not observed however with the other proteins.  Specifically, amino acids (broken down whole proteins) must be taken before (60 minutes or less) training for best results.

Carbohydrate drinks are another popular post-training supplement.  Again, the same rule applies here regarding the combination of protein and carbohydrates in recovery drinks.  Studies once again show that protein-carbo based beverages produce significantly greater increases in total boy mass, fat-free mass and muscle strength, than drinks based only on carbohydrates.

To maximize your training recovery, the guidelines for recovery drinks are simple.  Combine whole protein supplements with a carbohydrate for best results.  Alternatively, if you decide to use amino acids instead of whole proteins (whey, egg, soy, or milk), take them 60 minutes before you train.  If you use whey protein, you can ingest it 60 minutes before or after training with no effect on your muscle protein balance.   Of all the sources of whole food protein, whey isolate is the purest and most effective in producing the best muscle protein balance.  While optimal amounts of whole food and whey protein levels have yet to be clearly identified by research, some general recommendations have been proposed.   For strength and power athletes consume 2 parts carbohydrates to 1 part protein, where protein intake constitutes 0.25-0.50 grams/per kg body weight.  For endurance athletes, a 4:1 ratio is suggested.  For those who include strength training in their training program, use a 2:1 ratio on your resistance training days, and a 4:1 ratio on your endurance/rowing training days.   You can repeat this beverage intake for up to six hours after training to enhance your recovery.

Organic Recommendations

When selecting whey products, consider whey protein from grass-fed cattle.  Nearly all whey protein products are a processed, isolated or a concentrated by-product of grain and soy-fed cows pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.  Whey that is made from grass-fed, organic-raised cattle is exceptional for repairing tissue, building muscle, and supporting your immune system.  Grass-fed cattle also produce whey that is glutamine-rich and high in Branch Chain Amino Acids and fat burning CLA.


1.       Tim N. Ziegenfuss, PhD, Jamie A. Landis,MD,PhD,CISSN and Robert A. Lemieux.

Protein for Sports-New Data and New Recommendations.  Strength and Conditioning Journal 32  65-70, 2011

2.       Hartman JW, Tang JE, Wilkinson SB, Tarnopolsky MA, Lawrence RL, Fullerton AV, and Phillips SM.  Consumption of fat-free milk after resistance exercise promotes greater lean mass accretion than does consumption of soy or carbohydrate in young, novice, male weightlifters.  Am J Clin Nutr 86: 373-381,2007.

3.       Jay R. Hoffman, PhD,FACSM,FNSCA.  Protein Intake:  Effect of Timing.  Strength and Conditioning Journal 29:6  26-34, 2007

4.        Kyle Brown, CSCS –  Post Workout Recovery Nutrition:  It’s Not What You Digest But What You  Absorb That Counts.  NSCA’s Performance Training Journal.  8:6  6-7, 2009

Continued – Acceleration and Deceleration in Rowing

May 8, 2012

-Don’t Forget your Springs when you’re Training your Engine and Pump.

By Coach Kaehler

Rowing, like all sports, involves acceleration and deceleration of the body.   To make this happen, our muscles assume the role of springs – they apply and absorb force to a given object.   If we think of our body as a car, then our muscular system would be our engine and shock absorbers, our cardiovascular system would provide our fuel, and our bones, ligaments and tendons would serve as our frame.  Endurance training tends to focus primarily on improving our engines and fuel – rightly so.  However, the flip-side of this kind of conditioning is that we often neglect our shock absorbers.   And weakness in the shock absorbers can then result in injuries to the frame.

Regardless of the activity, the majority of sports-related injuries occur at the peak points of acceleration or deceleration of the body.  The forces required to control these sudden changes in body momentum can create an overwhelming stress to the frame.  If your springs (muscle strength) are too weak to absorb to these forces, then your frame gets damaged.  Based on the magnitude and repetition of the stresses involved, frame injuries could include joint pain (spine or extremities), stress or complete fractures, ruptured tendons or ligaments, and tendonitis.    While the magnitude of acceleration and deceleration in a rowing stroke might not compare to that of cutting sports like football or basketball, typical rowing workouts do involve a high number repetitions performed at lower magnitudes of force.  And, though more complete fractures or torn ligaments occur with higher magnitude sports, we do observe more overuse joint pain and spine-related injuries as well as stress fractures (ribs) and tendinosis issues in lower magnitude, higher repetitions sports like rowing.  Therefore improving spring strength is essential to reducing risk-of-injury in both types of repetition sports.

Athletes in all sports can improve their base level of strength by performing that particular activity.  Sometimes however, this is not enough to prevent injury to the frame.  Additional training – sport-specific or resistance work — may be required to improve spring strength to an appropriate level.  Springs, like the engine and fuel, must receive enough weekly stimuli to ensure appropriate strength to tolerate training volume and intensities.  The need for additional strength becomes more critical as training intensity and volume increase.  When we start to see training injuries such as low back pain, rib stress reactions / fractures, or other joint pain, there is a strong chance that part of this is due to insufficient strength in the shocks.

In rowing, the majority of training volume is done at lower ratings (22spm or lower), so the amount of stress in the shock is lower, while the volume is larger. And while the absolute strength required to control momentum at lower rating is less than at higher ratings, the volume is much greater, so the need for good strength-endurance is also important.  The largest changes in body momentum occur at the catch (acceleration) and the finish (deceleration), and the magnitude increases as the rating goes up.  By adding some extra sessions of power training at higher rates (24-28spm), we can improve the strength of the muscles used to help control body momentum.   One session of higher rate training (typical weekly AT session) may not be enough to provide the necessary improvement in spring strength.

In racing season, there tends to be a larger volume of higher rating work on a weekly basis.  In the off-season, however, there is a significant reduction in this type of work.  Anaerobic threshold work is usually done at the 24-30SPM range.  If you are only doing this type of work once a week, add a few extra sessions of higher rating work to keep your spring strength properly stressed.    One suggestion would be to add in one or two sessions of burst work (8-10 strokes) at the 24-30 range.  This can be done within a steady state workout, with long rest intervals between bursts.  The rest intervals should be long enough that the steady state HR is not altered during a steady state session.  If you strength train on land, try including a power session either on the erg or water, that coincides with your strength workout.   Work to rest ratios will depend upon your goals for that session and time of year.

Body control is essential to achieving success in any sport.  Having a balanced training program that also addresses your strength requirements will help you enjoy steady athletic improvement and reduce your risk of training-related injuries.

Continued – Drink Up!

May 8, 2012

– Hydration and Training

By Coach Kaehler

How closely do you follow your daily hydration intake?

The body is composed of 50-70% water (norm = 60%), and maintaining this balance is critical in regulating body temperature and cellular stasis.  For endurance sports athletes, proper hydration is a key factor in effective training and race performance.  A common problem with endurance athletes is hypo- or dehydration, which occurs when fluid loss is greater than intake before, during, or after bouts of exercise.  When, how much, and what you combine with your water, can have a big impact on your training and race results, as well as recovery.

Whether you’re training or racing, maintaining proper hydration balance before, during, and after exercise will ensure you’re giving your body an ideal platform to work from.  A reduction of total body water as small as 2% can significantly hinder your aerobic performance.  One important role water plays during exercise is regulating body temperature.   When a state of hypo-hydration exists, your body’s cooling efficiency is compromised.  And this ‘over-heating’ leads to a reduction in your athletic performance.   The Institute of Medicine recommends the following guidelines for sedentary people: men aged 19-70 y/o require 3.7L/day, while women 19-70 y/o is 2.7L/day.  Hydration sources include water, other liquids, and foods.  Endurance athletes however, require much greater amounts of fluids to keep their bodies properly hydrated, and must add to the above values.

To effectively plan hydration needs, athletes must also consider how long they train each day, as well as the type of climate they train in.  As a general rule, for every pound of body weight lost between the start and finish of an exercise session, replace your water loss by consuming 20 ounces of fluid, or 600ml of fluid/per 0.5kg of lost body weight .  One way to monitor your fluid needs would be to take your weight immediately before and after your exercise bouts, and measure the change in body mass from water loss (sweating).  For those without access to lab tests, body mass change is the most effective way to self-monitor your hydration needs.

Other self assessment methods include urine color and rating of thirst.  Urine color should be no darker than the color of straw, while thirst rating can be more subjective.  As a general rule, keep your fluid intake consistent enough that you never feel thirsty.   Taking your wake-up weight can also help you keep track of your hydration balance on a 24 hour basis by making sure your daily weight does not fluctuate.  Combining wake-up weigh-ins with a body mass check right before and after training will help you accurately monitor and maintain a state of water equilibrium.

How long do you train?  The length of your sessions also impacts what you should drink before, during, and after training.  Training sessions lasting longer than 30-40 minutes require an intake of about four-to-six ounces of fluid every 15-20 minutes.   For training sessions that exceed 60-75 minutes, sports drinks, with both carbohydrates (5-8%) and sodium, are recommended.   Sweating rates for endurance athletes range from 1.2 to 1.7 liters per hour, but can be as high as 4.0 liters per hour.

For those who participate in prolonged periods of exercise (prolonged rows, marathons, or Ironman/cycling events) including electrolytes in water is critical to avoiding hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels).   The typical sodium to potassium loss during exercise is 7 to 1, respectively.  An athlete who loses 5L of fluid with daily training will need to replace 4,600 – 5,750mg of sodium, in addition to a seventh that amount of potassium.   Fluid replacement after training must focus on restoring the weight lost from dehydration (cooling), and intake should be approximately 150% of the weight lost, or 600ml of fluid per 0.5kg of lost body weight.   Post-exercise meals should also contain sodium either in food or beverages, because diuresis (fluid loss) occurs when only plain water is ingested.  Most commercial carbohydrate-sodium drinks contain anywhere from 50-110mg of sodium per eight fluid ounces.  Sodium assists with the rehydration process by maintaining plasma osmolality (balance) and the urge to drink.

If water becomes a boring option, try eating water-loaded foods such as water melon, cantaloupe, apples, oranges and other fruits, as well as most green vegetables.  Besides keeping you hydrated, these fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential nutrients.   Herbal teas and even sports drinks are another way to keep your hydration and electrolyte intake in balance.   Also, remember that hydration is a 24-hour process.  So spread out your fluid consumption throughout the day for better absorption into cellular tissue.  The body can only process so much fluid at once, so excess will be quickly voided out of the body as urine, and will not be available for the body to use.

General hydration guidelines are as follows: 16-20 ounces of water 1-2 hours before exercise, 10 to 16 ounces 15 minutes before exercise, and about 4-6 ounces of fluid every 10-15 minutes during exercise.   Fluid intake should be regulated 24 hours prior to training, so if you train daily you’re on the clock all the time.  Hydration losses greater than two percent of your body weight could take up to 24 hours to restore.   Research also shows that the volume of fluid intake generally increases when the water or fluid is flavored.

Bottom-line,   train hard, drink-up and keep your cooling system in balance.



1.       Kalman DS, Lepeley A, A Review of Hydration. Strength Cond J 32:2 56-63, 2010.

2.       Steve Born Hammer Nutrition, The Endurance Athlete’s Guide to Success, 2005

3.       Kerksick C, Roberts M,  Supplements for Endurance Athletes.  Strength Cond J 32:1  55-63, 2010.

4.       Maughan RJ, Leipper JB, and Sherriffs SM.  Restoration of fluid balance after exercise induced dehydration: Effect of food and fluid intake.  Int. J Appl Physiol  73:317, 1996

5.       Monique, Ryan, 2007.  Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes.  Boulder, CO:  VeloPress

Continued – Ease into the Catch Part 2

May 8, 2012

By Coach Kaehler

Do you use momentum to get the last few inches of reach as you approach the catch?  Or do you get there with freedom and ease?  Your body, like all physical objects, follows the path of least resistance.  Your catch length — the distance your hips and shoulders travel into the stern — can vary based on your flexibility and strength.    Good flexibility and strength allows freedom and ease when approaching the catch, while deficits can create the need to use momentum to force your final, and less-than-ideal catch position.

The catch is a fundamental component of the rowing stroke.  How we achieve this position varies based on our individual body type, flexibility, strength, and technique.  With good flexibility and strength, the hip-shoulder position (fig. 1) can be set early in the recovery to create a strong body posture by the body-over position.  Once this position is set, the remainder of the recovery simply involves sliding the hips into the catch position (fig. 2).   Poor flexibility and / or strength can alter proper sequencing which can force the rower to use momentum to achieve adequate reach length.   Changing the hip-shoulder relationship on the second half of the recovery can lead to a less powerful position at the catch, which in turn can increase the risk of training-related injuries.

Strength and flexibility imbalances limit your body’s ability to execute an effective and powerful rowing stroke.  In other words, your brain will tell your body to take a rowing stroke, but your body can only produce the movement with the tools you have given it.  Poor (inflexible and /or weak) tools give your body less effective options to perform a rowing stroke, which can result in a less powerful stroke as well as increased risk of injury.  Better (strong and flexible) tools give your body more options to take a long and powerful stroke, and reduce your risk of injury.

Athletes with poor tools can still generate long and powerful strokes.  The price of this trade-off, however, is an increased risk of training injuries that include lumbar disc herniation, low back pain, stress fractures, joint pain, etc.  Since the body follows the path of least resistance, limitations in flexibility and strength can force the body into poor recovery postures, which may require the help of momentum to create the desired stroke length.  Often times, the increased stroke length comes from excessive movement of the shoulders and back during the second part of the recovery, (fig.3).   Stroke length is a concern for both coaches and athletes.  When athletes have poor tools, they often need to use momentum to create the demanded increase in stroke length.  Momentum can create a longer stroke but it is often less powerful.  This occurs when the shoulders continue to travel into the stern while the hips have stopped moving into the bow (fig 4 -blue).  Increasing the demands of the upper body and back (versus the hips and knees) at the catch can lead to increased injury risk.

One simple way to measure your ability to get freely into the catch is to test yourself on an erg.   Start out at the finish of the stroke, then proceed to the body-over position and pause for several seconds. Then pull yourself into the catch position.  Hold the catch position for 5-10 seconds and have someone mark where your handle position is relative to the erg and mark the measured distance (fig 5 – red).  Make sure that your hip-shoulder distance does not change as you approach the catch.  Next, begin rowing for about 10-15 strokes and again measure the distance of your handle from the cage of the erg (fig 5 – yellow).  If the handle positions are identical, then you have good flexibility and strength relative to your body posture at the catch.  If the distance of your stroke increases (ie. the handle is closer to the cage) it may indicate you are using momentum to get those extra inches (fig. 4 – blue).  It is also possible that you could also have a sequencing problem as you approach the catch (ie. your shoulders continue towards the catch through the whole recovery).  In my experience, many rowers who dive with the body at the catch have moderate flexibility and strength imbalances that force poor sequencing as they approach the catch.  This quick test can also be used as a general exercise to start working on improving the catch position without the use of momentum.   Start at the finish of the stroke and pause at body-over position.  Then slowly pull yourself into the catch as deeply as you can without changing the hip and shoulder relationship, which was set at the body-over position.  Hold for 5 -10 seconds and repeat as necessary (10-15 reps is a good start).

Using momentum to achieve adequate stroke length leads to more tension on the recovery, reduced power on the drive, and an increased risk of injury.  The best alternative is having strong and flexible tools.  Staying strong and flexible will help you achieve a long and balanced stroke and excellent relaxation during the recovery – a requisite for a powerful drive and ideal rowing stroke.


Figure 1



Figure 2




Figure 3




Figure 4





Figure 5
Figure 5



Red = Catch Distance no Momentum

Yellow = Catch Distance while Rowing

Blue = Over-reaching/use of Momentum




































Red = Catch Distance no Momentum

Yellow = Catch Distance while Rowing

Blue = Over-reaching/use of Momentum

Continued – Summary – Strength and Conditioning Practices in Rowing

May 8, 2012

Article Summary by Coach Kaehler

Rowing is one of the most demanding of all endurance sports.  While most of the energy contribution comes from aerobic metabolism, anaerobic qualities such as muscular strength and power are also key predictive qualities leading to overall rowing success.  A survey was recently conducted in Great Britain among rowing coaches and strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches who worked with rowers. The results of this survey were published in the The Journal of Strength and Conditioning.

The British survey examined issues surrounding the use of strength training in rowing programs.  Of the 54 questionnaires sent out, 32 responses were submitted for analysis.   Twenty-two of the participants were rowing coaches, and the other 10 were S&C coaches.  The average age of the coaches was 32 years and mean coaching experience was 10.5 years.  35% of the respondents coached Olympic level athletes; another 35% had coached at the National level; and the remainder coached at the Club, Regional, and University levels.   81% of the respondents held a Bachelors degree, and 34% a Masters degree.

30 of the 32 respondents reported that they conducted physical testing on their rowers.  Testing included several key areas mentioned below including cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, muscle power, flexibility, and speed.

Cardio included: 5km, 30 min., 16km, step test, 18km, and 1hr test

Muscle Strength included: “1RM squat, deadlift, benchpull,” “Concept II dynamometer (world class start testing protocol)”, and “1RM squat, push-pull, and deadlift”

Muscle Power included: “vertical jump and max Olympic lift,” “max power at 100 degrees/sec,” and “250-m ergometer,” “ergometer power strokes”

Flexibility included: “physio assessment protocol,” “sit and reach plus range of motion, joint tests,” “stretch bench tests,” “hamstring measuring,” and a “movement pattern tests.”

Speed Tests: “rating tests on water,” “ergometer sprints,” “racing on water and ergometers,” and “2,000m ergometer.”

30 of the 32 coaches said they used strength training in their programs, and all 32 coaches stated they believed strength training was a benefit to rowing performance.  In-season season strength and power training was used by 26 of the coaches where frequency and intensity varied.  25% of the coaches surveyed lifted 2x/wk, 25% lifted 2-3x/wk, 25% lifted 3x/wk, 12.5% lifted 1-2x/wk, and 12.5% lifted 3-4x/wk.  The number of repetitions performed during the in-season training also varied.  42% lifted using less than eight reps (3-6) per set, 26% lifted above eight reps per set, and the remaining 38% used a mix of lifts above and below eight reps per set.   Strength training sessions varied from 30-75 minutes in length.

Off-season lifting was used by (responses) 25 coaches where days per week and repetitions varied as follows:  36% lifted 3x/wk, 28% lifted 2x/wk, 20% lifted 4x/wk, 4% lifted 1x/wk, and 12% lifted 2-4x/wk.  The number of repetitions varied as follows; 16% lifted using less than eight reps (3-6) per set, 32% lifted above eight reps per set, and the remaining 52% used a mix of lifts above and below eight reps per set.

The survey also examined recovery time between lifting and rowing training.  Specifically, coaches were asked to indicate the amount of recovery time they used between a high quality row following either an Olympic lift session or general strength session, and between the last Olympic and general lift session and a competition.

Olympic Lift Session & High Quality Row:

(Same Day)  – 12%, (24 hrs) – 42%, (24-36 hrs) – 8 %, (36 hrs) – 26%, (48 hrs) – 12%

General Lift Session & High Quality Row:

(Same Day- 24h)  – 17%, (24 hrs) – 48%, (24-36 hrs) – 11%, (36 hrs) – 13%, (48 hrs) – 11%

Olympic Lift Session & Competition:

(Same Day- 24h)  – 0%, (24 hrs) – 0%, (24-36 hrs) – 0%, (36 to 48hrs) – 9%, (48 hrs) – 25%, (>48hrs) – 66%

General Lift Session & Competition:

(Same Day- 24h)  – 0%, (24 hrs) – 0%, (24-36 hrs) – 0%, (36 to 48hrs) – 17%, (48 hrs) – 25%, (>48hrs) – 58%

The coaches were also asked to rank the most important weight-lifting exercises used within their training programs.  The most commonly used exercises by ranking were the clean, the squat, and the deadlift.  16 of the 32 coaches used plyometrics as part of their training programs, while 31 out of 32 indicated that they used some form of flexibility training.  All used static stretching.

The survey showed several key trends among rowing coaches in Britain.  Physical testing is widely used to measure cardiovascular endurance, as well as muscular strength and power.   Most coaches used Olympic lifts, and periodized their training plans.  And generally, a 24 hour recovery was used between strength training and high quality rowing training, whereas 48 hours or greater was used between strength training and racing.



Gee, TI, Olsen,PD, Berger, NJ, Golby,J, Thompson, KG,. Strength and Conditioning Practices in Rowing.

J Strength Cond Res 25(3): 668-682, 2011

Continued – How are you finding more length in your rowing stroke?

May 8, 2012

How are you finding more length in your rowing stroke?


By Coach Kaehler

Are you getting enough reach at the catch?  Tired of your coach yelling at you to ‘get longer’, or fed-up with rigging yourself to row like you’re 6’8”?  The fact is that the length of a rower’s stroke is a common concern for many rowing coaches.  Coaches often single out rowers with shorter strokes and pressure them to produce more length.  Over-reaching is one approach to increasing stroke length, but comes with an increased risk of injury.  Other strategies include lowering feet, reducing footboard angles, changing spans and oars, etc.  To increase their stroke length, many rowers try to get their shoulders, hips, or both further into the catch.  While all of these options or a combination of them may seem ideal, alone, they aren’t effective solutions in the long term.  More important, these ‘quick-fix’ solutions may actually place athletes in greater risks of injury.  A more effective and long-term solution to increasing stroke length is to determine the athlete’s strength and flexibility deficits, and develop and implement an individual corrective program.  Temporary rigging solutions can then supplement this program during the corrective transition.

A rower’s stroke length is primarily controlled by two factors: strength and flexibility.   When both are in good balance, the athlete can get into a strong, powerful, and long position with little effort.  While other considerations also influence stroke length — arm length, leg length, and torso length — these anatomical factors can not be altered.  Instead, coaches and athletes use rigging changes to help modify stroke length, and improve uniformity in a crew with varying body types.  However, using rigging strategies alone to correct possible deficits in a rower’s strength and flexibility is not the best long term solution, and can lead to increased risks of injury.

To effectively improve stroke length, I encourage coaches and athletes to first identify and correct individual strength and flexibility issues,and then explore possible rigging changes.  Strength issues usually improve quicker than flexibility issues, so it may be several weeks or months before rowers should attempt to rig into a more advantageous position, as it relates to rowing power.

When stroke length is short at the catch, rowers often increase reach by increasing shoulder reach, hip reach, or both, with the later being the ideal if both are increased by the same amount.  (Alternate sentence:  When stroke length is short, rowers will try to lengthen by reaching further into the catch with their shoulders (most common approach), hips (preferred approach), or possibly even both.)  While many rowers increase their length by reaching further into the stern with their shoulders while keeping their hips stable as they reach the catch, other more flexible athletes get too deep into the catch to find more length.  However, because these athletes tend to be weak, this solution places them in a greater risk of injury because they get beyond their strength at the catch.  These athletes often hit their Achilles’ tendon of calf with their seats, with knees well past vertical of the ankle joint at the catch.  The relationship between the shoulder and hip joints should be set during the first third of the recovery.  Once this relationship is set, it should remain unchanged for the remainder of the stroke, to and through the catch, and into the first half of the drive.   Athletes who use the shoulder strategy to increase stroke length (compensating for strength and flexibility deficits), will have a less powerful rowing stroke and be more prone to injuries.

To understand the most powerful rowing stroke sequence, consider a heavy dead lift.  With this lift, the hips must move first to get the weight moving.  Then, as bar momentum builds, the back can then begin to isotonically work (shorten) in conjunction with the hips and knees.  Using the shoulder strategy to increase stroke length alters the stroke sequence — the shoulders (instead of the hips) initiate the stroke movement, and therefore lead to a less powerful stroke.

Getting the hips deeper into the catch once the shoulder-hip relationship is set, is an excellent way to increase stroke length and power, especially when the changes in hip depth come from improvements in the athlete’s strength and flexibility.  While changing the rigging (i.e. lowering feet or reducing foot angle) can increase stroke length, it reduces horizontal power in the stroke.  A body-balanced approach to addressing and improving individual strength and flexibility deficits is the ideal solution to finding more stroke length, increasing boat speed, and reducing an athlete’s risk of injury.

Continued – Barefoot shoes versus conventional running shoes:

May 8, 2012

 Which is right for your outdoor cross-training program?

 By Coach Kaehler


After months of indoor winter training, it’s time to get back outdoors!  One way to interact with nature and keep your training program fun and effective is running.  As a cross-training tool, running is one of the most efficient ways to work your cardiovascular system.  From a convenience point of view, you can’t beat it — just step outside your front door.  Best of all, you don’t need any special or costly equipment — just a pair of regular running shoes.  Or do you?


Recently, a new fad has emerged in this age-old form of conditioning called, ‘barefoot running.’  In his book, “Born to Run”, author Christopher McDougall argues that running bare feet (or with a light covering) is more natural than using running shoes.  As tempting as it may seem to run with our ‘god-given’ body design, athletes should first consider several key factors before jumping in.  What surfaces are you running on?  What is your current level of strength, flexibility, and of course running fitness?  Like any new method of training, it’s better to introduce barefoot running into your program gradually, to ensure your body adapts at a natural rate.   The alternative could lead to injuries, especially if you’re exclusively a road-runner.


A recent study examined the differences between running with conventional running shoes versus running in barefoot shoes.  The focus of the study was to observe how both types of shoes impacted running economy (the amount of energy expended running at a set speed).  The study determined that conventional running shoes offered better economy (3 to 4%) than running in barefoot shoes.  This is an interesting finding, but leads us to ask yet another question:  how do new shoes compare to shoes with higher mileage?


In the same study, researchers also determined that new running shoes provide two key benefits over their well-seasoned counterparts: better shock absorption and running economy.  Shock absorption is an essential protective element as it reduces the risk of injury, especially for runners logging 20 or more miles a week, where significant increases in injuries occur.


If you are considering bare-foot running, a few simple guidelines will help you ease into it carefully, and reduce your risk of injuries.  First, plan to alternate your barefoot training days with regular running shoes.  Second, and especially at the beginning, limit your mileage running with barefoot shoes.  I suggest running about 25 to 30% of your regular mileage in barefoot shoes, then adding about 10% every week until you reach your goal.


Athletes who want to transition to barefoot running should also consider where they run. If you run exclusively on road surfaces, your body will need more time to adjust to the increased stress on your feet, knees and legs.  Running on dirt and grassy trails can help reduce the overall stress to these parts of the body.


Also, keep in mind that whether you’re running in conventional running shoes or barefoot shoes, your muscular system provides most of the shock absorption to the stresses of running.  Running, by itself, doesn’t promote very much muscle strengthening.  In fact, for runners who go long and slow, running can actually reduce overall strength.  In this respect, it’s critical to add some resistive strengthening into your program.  The additional strengthening will also improve your shock absorption ability, especially if you’re running in barefoot shoes.


Running is a great cross-training tool for rowing.  It’s efficient, convenient and allows you to enjoy the great outdoors.  As with all training activities, however, athletes must be careful to avoid injuries that could hinder their rowing.  Balanced running makes the most sense, and includes running on different surfaces (grass, dirt trails and the road), as well as inclines (flat and elevated surfaces).  Shoe wear is a newer variable in running with the introduction of barefoot shoes.  Mixing up these variables leads to better balance and a reduction in training-related injuries.  Enjoy the outdoors, train smart, and be balanced!

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